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Optimize Your Space

At Steele Strategies, we understand that every organization has unique needs when it comes to its spaces. That’s why we offer tailored Space Assessment services to cater to your requirements. Our team of experts has extensive experience working with a variety of spaces, from traditional workplaces to mission-driven and specialized facilities including international border crossings, ports, law-enforcement centers, firing ranges, canine facilities, training facilities, and labs.

Types of Space Assessments:

Facility Condition


Strategic Resource

Tech Assessment

Health & Wellness

OSHA 10 & OSHA 30

To begin, we perform a comprehensive assessment in order to thoroughly understand your needs. We delve into factors such as space utilization, safety, sustainability, and strategic resource allocation to ensure that we meet your objectives. We also assess the conditions of your existing space, including technical systems like HVAC and facilities management.

Based on our findings, we can provide clear recommendations for improvement. Our assessment takes into account all aspects of your space, including equity, environmental impact, and sustainability, that will improve organizational performance and user satisfaction.

At Steele Strategies, our holistic Space Assessment approach provides you with tailored recommendations and solutions that optimize space utilization, promote equity and sustainability, and support your mission and culture.

Ready to learn more about how Steele Strategies can help your organization thrive?

Contact us to book a FREE consultation