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Bringing a human-centered

approach to design management

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging for organizations to keep up with the ever-changing design landscape. That’s where Steele Strategies comes in. We offer design management services that bring fresh perspectives and strategies to help you see the big picture and move forward with fewer frustrations and more wins.

What Gaps Does Design Management Fill?

Supplements traditional services

Planning & programming

Extending core values

Concept design

Improves quality control

Client representative

At Steele Strategies, we believe that design is not just about aesthetics but also about wellness, equity, functionality, and sustainability.

We facilitate stakeholder discussions and assess your needs to develop planning and programming documents that create a baseline for design. We provide client representation and ensure continuity from planning through to construction to ensure the initial design is carried through, ensuring that your organization’s goals are met.

Our team takes a human-centered approach, ensuring that we incorporate the right parties into discussions about design from formulation and questions through construction.

Our process starts with listening. We want to truly understand your organization, where you’re headed, and what’s holding you back. We ensure that the design is carried out per the original intent, and spaces are equitable and representative of those who they impact, manage design and project risks, and work to minimize your design, construction, and sustainment costs.

Ready to learn more about how Steele Strategies can help your organization thrive?

Contact us to book a FREE consultation